FAQ for facilitators

Frequently asked questions

Who are we?

We are a collective of facilitators with both online and offline experience, from different cities and with a variety of skill sets and expertise.

Why did you start this directory?

We love what we do, and we want to facilitate and improve meetings, conferences and assemblies where we can. But we need visibility. This directory helps us with that, and helps us to connect and share expertise.

How can I sign up to join the directory of facilitators?

Fill out this form: https://airtable.com/shrDhK4QdTe0lyFTM

How much does it cost to register as a facilitator on the platform?

It is free to register your basic profile on the platform. If you want to become a member: €15/month or €100/year. Facilitators that want to become part of the professional network and take part in the events €45/month or €400/year. More information here

How can I book a facilitator?

option 1: search the directory and contact one of the facilitators directly

option 2: contact info@openfacilitation.com and we will find you the best facilitator for your event, within our professional community

Last updated